The Belkyra treatment uses a deoxycholic acid injection to breakdown fat around the jawline, neck, and under the chin. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies. When the fat is broken down, it can be reabsorbed and excreted. A relatively new treatment in Canada, it goes by the name of Kybella in the US; Khloe Kardashian helped the procedure gain momentum becoming the official spokeswoman for the product.
This treatment is ideal for anyone who is uncomfortable with a double chin or a pouch of fat around the jaw. This procedure is non-invasive, however, consultation with a physician is required prior to booking.
ECHNOLOGY: Belkyra/deoxycholic acid
BENEFITS: Reduces the appearance of a double chin; redefines your jawline without surgery
IDEAL FOR: All genders
PROCEDURE TIME: 60 minutes
SCHEDULE: 3 treatments, 4 to 6 weeks apart
RECOVERY: 5 days
RESULTS: An average of 3 treatments are required for best results
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