At Form Medical Aesthetics we are the only clinic with the
EmpowerRF platform by Inmode. This is the most advanced technology available, delivering life-changing women’s wellness treatments. We use this technology daily to resolve a broad range of women’s health issues.
This technology can treat:
This technology not only can improve the appearance of the
vagina and vulva, but it also improves the function and quality of vaginal health. All women, regardless of age are potential EmpowerRF candidates.
FormaV is a comfortable treatment that provides uniform deep heating for tissue remodeling with real-time temperature control. The versatility of this RF technology allows the practitioner to provide customized solutions to improve tissue health.
MorpheusV provides intravaginal sub-epithlium remodeling with a 24 pin matrix of thin gold-coated microneedles and a treatment depth of 3mm. It uses clinically proven electocoagulation and fractional bulk heating to deliver temperatures that induce tissue coagulation and collagen remodeling.
Vtone is a gentle non-surgical technology designed to provide intravaginal electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) and neuromuscular re-education to rehabilitate weak pelvic floor muscles and improve the symptoms of stress, urge and mixed urinary incontinence. A great alternative for people who have failed physiotherapy or who do not have time to devote to kegels.
Tone is a non-invasive muscle strengthening technology that works by emitting low frequency pulses delivering electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to induce muscle contractions. The technology targets specific muscle groups to restore abdominal strength without surgery or downtime. It is indicated to treat diastasis recti.
Morpheus8 is a fractional technology that delivers radiofrequency energy through 24 thin gold pins. Collagen and elastin production are increased post-treatment. It can be used on the face and body.
All patients have an initial consultation with Dr Corinne Paterson FRCSC board certified Obstetrician Gynecologist. Below is a general description of common conditions treated at Form with EmpowerRF technology. A treatment plan may include one or more treatment modalities.
Leaking with running, jumping, coughing, laughing or sneezing.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV, Vtone, tone
Often accompanied by urinary frequency/over active bladder this condition is characterized by an urgent need to pee, with leaking occurring if you do not make it in time.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV, Vtone
Interrupted sleep for urination.
Treatment options: MorpheusV. If mild-moderate FormaV or Vtone.
Often characterized by one or more of stress incontinence, feeling of looseness, poor quality orgasms and decreased sensation.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV, Vtone, tone
This condition is common and treatable. Medication options will be discussed at consultation as well.
Treatment Options: MorpheusV, FormaV
A common concern post partum and with aging.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV, Vtone, tone
This can occur post-partum, with breastfeeding and peri/post menopause. Hormone and non-hormone topical agents may be recommended as well.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV
The external appearance of the vulva changes post partum and with age. Empower treatments can be used to non-surgically rejuvenate the appearance of the vulva and vagina.
Treatment options: MorpheusV, vTone
This condition can be treated whether it is new or longstanding.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV
EmpowerRF treatments may be used to treat or improve the following conditions: chronic bladder infections, interstitial cystitis, bladder pain, chronic yeast infections, chronic bacterial vaginosis and lichen sclerosis.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV
If you have pain or scarring in the location of previous obstetrical trauma this can improve or resolve with treatment.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV
Large Labia minora causing pain with sex or other high friction activities. Empower is a non-surgical option for reduction in labial size.
Treatment options: MorpheusV
Wanting to increase collagen to improve the appearance of the vulva and labia is an indication for treatment.
Treatment options: FormaV, MorpheusV
@2024 Form Medical Aesthetics